The key to the success of your printed matter is the appropriate graphic design. In our graphic design studio we undertake the complete design and pre-press preparation. Pagination, cropping and touching up of pictures and making the design are all done in one place, thus quality printing and short deadlines are guaranteed.
Upload your pictures and text quickly and easily to our FTP server. Send us your data to grafika@conint.hu, and you will receive your user name and password by e-mail.
Explain your ideas to our graphic designer and we will design your leaflet or brochure. First we will send you the designs by e-mail and, after correcting them based on your remarks, we will finalize the graphics.
We use Macintosh computers with professional desktop publishing software. At your request we will burn the project on a CD or DVD.
Before printing, you can check colour accuracy on the digital proof.
A down-to earth idea: Pictures on the Internet have a resolution of 72 dpi. Good quality printing requires 300 dpi, below this resolution the images will be pixelated, i.e. with apparent square pixels.
Dpi is the number of pixels per inch (2.54 cm).
Enlargement also reduces resolution. A 300 dpi image of 10×10 cm will have a resolution of only 60 dpi if enlarged to a size of 50×50 cm on a poster.